Friday, August 31, 2012

American Girl Field Trip

Today was our homeschool's first field trip. Talk about a thinking "outside of the box" field trip: 
the American Girl Store!
BUT- It WAS educational:

Grace is studying American History this year through a unit study course called "Portraits of American Girlhood." It uses 7 fictional characters (7 historical American Girl dolls) to teach about the time periods in American History. Yesterday, she was reading a biography about George Washington and today we went to see the American Girl dolls and to go on their Scavenger Hunt.

Grace had to go around the store reading about the historical girls and collecting clues. Then she had a word puzzle to solve. Upon completion of the puzzles, she received a poster of the girls we are studying! 

We love learning "outside the box" and making the world our textbook!


  1. That looks like fun! Can anyone do that scavenger hunt?!

  2. Yes! Anyone 8 and up was the age for the scavenger hunt. The stores have lots of activities like the scavenger hunt. Many are free and often the girls get to leave with something to keep. Grace got a poster! Today (Sept 1 ) almost all the stores are doing the scavenger hunt again and also Julie's bracelet craft.
