Thursday, June 4, 2015

Emotionally Scrambled Day

9:30 a.m. Disclaimer- I'm sitting in a Perkins alone  getting ready to order the mother of all breakfasts so my blog post title might have been influenced by my desire for some eggs...

Why (or perhaps "how" might be the better question) am I sitting alone at Perkins when we have 5 kids' dentists appointments in an hour? Well, my awesome husband suggested I go get a big breakfast and he will bring all the kids over later and meet me at their dentist. :-)
Why you ask? Because I ALSO have to go to the dentist today. I have to get a CROWN. :-/// I picked the most freaked out face to insert there intentionally. I am totally freaking out. I am much stronger and tougher than I think I am, but I am emotionally panicked over this. For goodness sakes, I have birthed 5 babies- the last one with no pain meds (NOT intentionally- I'm all about those birthing meds- my epideral was out and the anesthesiologist couldn't get to me in time.) I've been AWAKE for one of my kidney stone surgeries and had nothing but the spinal to hold me still for pain management both during the procedure  and after as to not pass any meds to my nursing 2 month old at that time. So why is a tooth crown giving me SOOO much anxiety?  :-(

I think it's because I'm already emotionally scrambled today as I titled this post. Fionn turned 14 months old today. 
That gets a :-) and a :-(! It is amazing how fast they grow. Even more emotionally charged- this little lovie has weaned herself from breastfeeding. That also gets a :-) and a :-(. I feel so proud that I nursed her exclusively to 6 months and then continued to nurse alongside babyfood and table food to 14 months. My goal was 12 months so any past that was great. I am a big believer in baby-led weaning (not to be confused with a nursing strike- she had one of those at 10 months- they aren't the same). She had dropped feedings over the last few weeks and we were down to one feeding at sometime between 9pm and midnight and other than that sleeping through the night! Then she started sleeping through the night! I mean 6pm-6am! 12 hours!! I at first tried to offer when she woke or when she went to bed, but she wasn't really interested so she'd nurse for maybe a minute or so. So I just set my goal as her 14 month birthday. She met the goal for me as it is today and yesterday she nursed for like 30 seconds before refusing. So we are done. And I'm not sure how I feel. I'm excited for making my goal, excited for some more flexibility in the evenings, but sad for the end of a special bonding and sad she's growing up so fast. 

So I sat and ate quite a bit of this huge plate of food in case I couldn't stand to eat for hours after my crown:

10:30 -
All 5 kids were cavity free at their appointments today and Fionn had her first visit to the dentist:

12:00- Then this happened:
That's my scared face! Lol! Or at least me trying to make a scared face ;-) in the dental chair post numbing shots pre tooth shaving for the crown. :-(

8:00 - Home for the day, after 6 dentist appointments, 1 library event, and 4 dance classes this evening. 
Despite my scrambled nerves, I survived the crown appointment today.  My new dentist is awesome and helped ease my nerves and made it pretty painless! In fact, the evening after pain of the soreness is way worse that the procedure itself. So I sit here sore tooth and engorged, but happy and proud. Proud of my cavity free kiddos, proud I nursed Fionn to 14 months, and proud of my sweet baby girl whose growing so fast. 

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