Monday, March 4, 2013

Valentine's Love

Okay, I know, it's March... and this blog post is about Valentine's Day. It's in February, I know. I really planned to write this in February and my busy life got in the way, lol.

So Valentine's Day. Well, Ellie had the stomach flu the weekend prior. I had the stomach flu 4 days prior and Brian had it on Valentine's Day. However, it was a very special day as I received a gift that brought me to tears....

No, it was not a dozen roses. Yes, I did get them (the hints must have worked, lol!) and even before Valentine's Day instead of the day after! They were beautiful, but it was not them that brought me tears.

It was a simple Hallmark card. Not surprising as I bawl like a baby during their movies and commercials (the only commercials I can actually stand!)

Brian bought me a card for the kids to sign and color in and it said, "For my Teacher: Roses are Red, Violets are Purple, I've got the Very Best Teacher Ever."

So simple, so beautiful, so treasured. I love homeschooling the kids. It has been such a great joy and blessing for us all.